
The Nordby Golf Day is packed with all the right stuff!

The Invitational will be held at the Santa Rosa Golf & Country Club.
Location: 333 Country Club Drive, Santa Rosa, California 95401, Phone: 707-546-3485

  • Check In10:00am

    Nordby Golf Check In

    You will be greeted by friendly faces, providing you with your sponsorship tee prizes. Then, head on over to the driving range and warm up for a great day of golf.

  • Catered Buffet Lunch11:00am

    Nordby Golf Barbeque

    You will be provided a catered buffet lunch before we head out to the course.

  • Shotgun - Let's play golf!Noon

    Nordby Golf

    Have an exceptional day on the green with friends.

  • Awards and Auction Dinner 5:00pm

    Nordby Golf

    Join us afterwards for dinner, awards, entertainment, plus our silent and live auctions!